Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Week 53: RLDS Shake and Bake, Barfuss Rocks Mo'orea

Hey everyone! 

This week was crazy busy but good! Ha!

On Monday after emailing we had a massive basketball tournament with all the missionaries. It was in Papeete and it was super fun because I got to see so many Elders that I haven't seen for a long time. I saw Elders Terry, Sovereign, Harrah, Loamanu, Hill and others. Just my really good friends from the mission and the MTC...it was fun.

Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday were busy days with lots of lessons. This week we set a goal to commit 5 people for baptism and we had a lot of good potential and success! We had an interesting lesson with the T. family. They are members of the RLDS church, so in the lesson we talked about the priesthood and the dad totally Bible bashed us with the D&C and it was the  weirdest thing ever!!! He totally quoted verses in the D&C that he thought would prove that prophets had to be in the family line of Joseph Smith only. It was so strange but we still felt we should say a prayer with them so we all got on our knees and the dad said the prayer. It was honestly super sincere, and when the prayer was over the man just sat there for maybe like 10 minutes just thinking (seriously). 

Then we felt the Spirit get super strong, and I felt I should offer the baptism commitment. So I just said it.  He was surprised and then said while he was sitting there thinking he thought about Mormons and he felt nothing, and then when he thought RLDS, he started to tremble and shake and stuff like that. It was the weirdest thing ever. We know the Spirit was there, so he was either not being truthful or he felt something that was not the Spirit, because the Spirit does not work like that. So Pax and I decided that we are going to take them to go see the temple on Friday. There was something special when we were teaching them so we will not give up. So yeah, pray for us on that one!

Friday was actually my one year mark, holy moly man! It has honestly gone by so fast! It has been so awesome. So on Friday I got to go to Moorea for the weekend to do splits with the Elders in Paopao. Paopao is the pretty part of Moorea and it was so great. I did a split with Elder Firuu, and we set a baptism for next week! I got to do the baptism interview and it was a really good day.

On Saturday I did a split on the other side of Paopao with Elder Hollowell. Just a week ago Elder Barfuss (Easton) was serving there. He had served there for six months, and man did that kid make a difference in Moorea! All of the investigators and members talked about Elder Barfuss. They knew that we went to high school together, so we talked about Elder B all day. He did really well there, what a great thing to see. That night I spoke to Barfuss on the phone for like an hour and a half just to let him know what a great job he had done. I miss that kid so much! We joked that we have avoided each other on our missions because just as he got transferred and I would have been able to see him, I immediately got transferred to Bora! And when I finally got transferred back, he goes back out to an island far away. Haha! I haven't seen him since we left the MTC! But we talk often and I was happy to hear of his success. 

While we were out that day we contacted a funny little lady and she said that it was fate that we went up to see her because no one ever goes to her house. She lives high up in the mountains and we really had to search her out...I think she was pretty excited to see that there were still humans on the island...ha!  We had a great visit with her.

Sunday I went to church in Moorea and then headed back to Tahiti with Elder Paxman. The ward mission leader in Moorea is absolutely legendary. He has been the ward mission leader for 19 straight years, and he is basically a full-time missionary. He goes with the missionaries almost every day, and works and hangs with us all until 9:00 at night. He is a man loved and known around the whole island.  What a great example! 

It was a really great weekend. It was cool the see more of Moorea. It reminds me of Bora Bora. It really was a great experience and I would love to get the chance to serve there during my mission. It was really cool to see the changes that Elder Barfuss had made in Moorea, he should be pretty happy with the job he did serving the people there.

Have a great week and love you all!

Elder Boyd

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